Thursday, April 9, 2009

Reed playing (I mean working in his garden)

This is where you will find Reed every spare
minute that he has, he has been busy digging
trenches laying water lines and planting all
the early spring veggies!! they will be so good to eat
and it does not seen to matter how old
they are boys will be boys and always
are playing in the dirt and getting dirty!
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Gosfam said...

I am hoping to get a small garden growing this year. Sadly we can't plant until mid-may because it is still cold here. Way to work hard Reed!! You will enjoy the fruits of your labors. :)

The Stevens: said...

I'm making a garden with my neighbor, can't wait for veggies and strawberries:) (I love the picture of dirt on Reed's bootie, he really gets into his gardening:)lol
Oh, and the nose picking picture, I had to put in, it was classic Carol:)

Fun at Grami and Papa's

Fun with Mark and Ashley

Kyle in Barcelona Spain

Rylee Jean and her friends

Reeds hunting adventures