Monday, May 4, 2009

Who would have thought it could happen again!

Ok, I swear I am telling the truth! Reed went to get his hair cut on Saturday, in a real shop, (not some relative, sorry Mike) Anyway, we are visiting with the lady and the guard falls off the clippers and she doesn't even notice, she takes a swipe down the center of Reeds head, we now have a reverse Mohawk going on! You know me I can't stop laughing, and the poor woman is horrified! swearing that has never happened before! Well anyway we had to shave his head down to nothing as you can see, and If he has the courage to go back to the same lady she promised him a few free hair cuts! I am not sure that Reed thinks it is all worth it... But, he was a great sport as always!!
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Anonymous said...

Reed your handsome in any haircut

Love you

Dafni said...

hahahaha that is hilarious!!! good thing you guys are such good sports :)

Gosfam said...

ROFL!! Rolling on the floor laughing if you didn't know the lingo :) Poor Reed, seriously twice that is a record. Good thing hair grows back.

The Stevens: said...

Seriously? How does that even happen... the first time I understood, but a second time.... hysterical, we are laughing hard:) Maybe you should stop getting haircuts:)lol

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