Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Meet Little Girl (Maybe)

This is "Little Girl" we haven't named her for sure yet. It
keeps changing, she is a register Appendix Quarter Horse
exactly what that means? who knows! I guess I will have
to look it up. Addie this is your new baby I was telling you
So far, Boone and Jake have done well, we still haven't
turned them out in the same pasture just yet...Little Girl
is very calm and we are having lots of fun with her.
She looks about as photogenic as Boone, She should be very
tall around 16 hands high when she is done growing, Rylee and I
have been studying the Parelli method for training her, that is
just a bit overwhelming there is so much to learn...
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Gosfam said...

We are going to have to come and visit. Kendall really wants to ride a horse, we walk by a few when i go to work and she always asks me about them, Peyton would like to feed them not sure about the riding :)

The Stevens: said...

She's pretty, I like the name "little girl", it's sweet:)

The Navy Wife said...

Aww... I love her! I can't wait to show bug bug when she wakes up tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful horse! Looks like you are going to have your hands full Rylee
Love you guys

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