Sunday, July 26, 2009

Home Safe and Sound!

Sorry I have been so slow to post a note about Kyle finally getting home off his Mission, but we have all been beyond busy! Mimi and Papa were there along with Aunt Renea, Keith, Shannel and Lucas and their sweet (sick little family it was not the most fun car ride home for them) I was a totally stress head driving everyone else CRAZY... but what joy when we saw him walk into the lobby, (bueno es q' yo hago lo q' me de la gana! TOMA TOMA) I wish I know what that said! it has been so much fun having him home and seeing the changes and growth! We have had so much fun as he shares stories from his mission, the Lord has blessed us all while he was away but even more with a safe homecoming!
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The Navy Wife said...

It's about time! :) Great pictures! I'm so glad he's home safe and sound. I can't wait to see everyone in just one week!

Gosfam said...

What a stud--I was really sad that we couldn't make it. Can't wait to see him at the reunion and here all about his mission.

kel said...

Congratulations on your missionary coming home! Tell him I said good job!

Kelly Dethloff

Dafni said...

Hooray! I am so excited! :) I talked to him the other night and man, what a difference! I can't believe how grown up he is! He is such a great person, you and Reed did a fabulous job :) Talk about prego hormones or something, but these pictures totally made me cry!
love you!

Anonymous said...

Aw! Thats so exciting. I remember what it was like when Charlie came home. They grow so much on their mission. Tell him we say hello.

Paula said...

Hi! So glad to hear you had such a wonderful time with everybody back together again!

Fun at Grami and Papa's

Fun with Mark and Ashley

Kyle in Barcelona Spain

Rylee Jean and her friends

Reeds hunting adventures