Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Update on Cinch

This is Cinch after three months! she still won't pose for the camera and reminds me of a mule with her big ears which Rylee calls her Devils horns, but her ribs no longer are showing and her butt is filling in, we are now just working on getting her muscles developed, the vet wants us to try and get 150 more pounds on her before winter. She had a little filly that only lived about 12 hours she was premature, I was a baby and didn't handle it all very well...Oh well what can I say that's who I am.
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Gosfam said...

So sad her baby didn't make it, but I am glad she is getting healthier. You guys are GREAT with horses. I need to make a trip next time so Peyton can see them too,

Anonymous said...

Cinch is looking good
How is her attitude
Love Mimi

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