Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kyles Flight Itinerary

Just a quick update for everyone, we got Kyle's
travel information on the computer the other day.
I am so excited! I can't believe he is coming
home so soon!!! Kyle will fly into the Yakima
airport at 11:45 PM On July 15th. Anyone
is welcome to be there with us. It is such a
tiny airport, I am sure we will be the only ones
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Boys will be boys !

Do they ever grow up? How does everyone like my
anniversary present! I requested the pellet gun for the
gophers, and skunks, also, to shoot Rip for digging in my yard! (I
haven't done that one yet, so don't worry)
Reed reminds me of Elmer fud always chasing after that
silly wabbit, except for he is going after all the birds that
are giving him grief in his garden.
The gun was suppose to be pink in hopes that "Elmer" would
leave my gun alone. But Rylee just laughs at me she says I would
just cry if I ever actually shot a gopher. she is probably right.
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Meet Little Girl (Maybe)

This is "Little Girl" we haven't named her for sure yet. It
keeps changing, she is a register Appendix Quarter Horse
exactly what that means? who knows! I guess I will have
to look it up. Addie this is your new baby I was telling you
So far, Boone and Jake have done well, we still haven't
turned them out in the same pasture just yet...Little Girl
is very calm and we are having lots of fun with her.
She looks about as photogenic as Boone, She should be very
tall around 16 hands high when she is done growing, Rylee and I
have been studying the Parelli method for training her, that is
just a bit overwhelming there is so much to learn...
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

28 years together

I know that the songs I picked are a bit sappy but after 28 years of marriage I can get a sappy once in a while, I hope you like this Reed, I just wanted to let you know how blessed my life has been because of you. I couldn't have asked for a better husband, better friend, I am your biggest fan, I love that you know me so well, will listen to all my hair brain idea even when you know that they will not work! You just smile and nod your head, then you let me figure it out myself (because you know how much I hate being told I am wrong)

You have always been a wonderful example to our kids of what a truly great father and husband is,Your love of our Savior Jesus Christ-your testimony of the church has always been such a strength to me and a blessing in our lives,

I love watching you as Papa, Addie has you wrapped around her little finger, now we have another little blessing joining us Lilly, I can't wait for even more grandchildren (Mark and Ashley are doing their part, they could us a little help from the rest of you) and more time for you and I. thanks again for being such a wonderful husband and all the joy and wonderful memories that we have had and the many more memories we will continue to make in the years to come. I love you
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Uncle Mike did it!

I had to set the record straight! I want My children to see who is holding the clippers in
his hands! that would be Uncle Mike! Not your sweet Innocent mom, I know that I am
very guilty of giving lots of bad hair cuts in my days to you boys, OK and girls but I
cant' take the credit for this one, and I now have the proof... Thanks Reed for being
such a good sport about it, he was going to be standing in front of friends and family
at his mothers funeral to give a talk 2 days after his hair cut, we told him know one
would notice. (He didn't believe us)
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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Reed playing (I mean working in his garden)

This is where you will find Reed every spare
minute that he has, he has been busy digging
trenches laying water lines and planting all
the early spring veggies!! they will be so good to eat
and it does not seen to matter how old
they are boys will be boys and always
are playing in the dirt and getting dirty!
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Popcorn popping on the apricot tree

I looked out my window and what did I see? Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!
We have 2 apricot trees and one cherry tree, our closest neighbor has 5 apple trees that he
lets us have all the apples we want, and our grass in the pasture is also coming in really good.
I am so excited! I think it is safe to say that spring is finally here! I no longer wake up
at night to the sound of the heater kicking on, and me thinking there goes more money flying
out the window! And this morning while cleaning I opened up all the windows to let the fresh
air in. Life is good.

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Fun at Grami and Papa's

Fun with Mark and Ashley

Kyle in Barcelona Spain

Rylee Jean and her friends

Reeds hunting adventures