Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Boys will be boys !

Do they ever grow up? How does everyone like my
anniversary present! I requested the pellet gun for the
gophers, and skunks, also, to shoot Rip for digging in my yard! (I
haven't done that one yet, so don't worry)
Reed reminds me of Elmer fud always chasing after that
silly wabbit, except for he is going after all the birds that
are giving him grief in his garden.
The gun was suppose to be pink in hopes that "Elmer" would
leave my gun alone. But Rylee just laughs at me she says I would
just cry if I ever actually shot a gopher. she is probably right.
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Anonymous said...

elmer has cute buns even if he is shooting beautiful birds

Gosfam said...

Oh Elmer, that is really funny!! You crazy man Reed, shooting poor innocent birds.

Dafni said...
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Dafni said...

haha that is so funny! and so seems like something any of the men in your family would do :) i love it.

Anonymous said...

You guys must love it there! Dad couldn't have walked out the back door in Wylie and started shooting birds : )


Fun at Grami and Papa's

Fun with Mark and Ashley

Kyle in Barcelona Spain

Rylee Jean and her friends

Reeds hunting adventures