Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Uncle Mike did it!

I had to set the record straight! I want My children to see who is holding the clippers in
his hands! that would be Uncle Mike! Not your sweet Innocent mom, I know that I am
very guilty of giving lots of bad hair cuts in my days to you boys, OK and girls but I
cant' take the credit for this one, and I now have the proof... Thanks Reed for being
such a good sport about it, he was going to be standing in front of friends and family
at his mothers funeral to give a talk 2 days after his hair cut, we told him know one
would notice. (He didn't believe us)
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Gosfam said...

Ha ha!! I would never have noticed, but it was pointed out to me so i did :)

The Stevens: said...

HYSTERICAL!!!! Mike's screw up made for many good laughs:) (At a very difficult time for the family:)lol

Fun at Grami and Papa's

Fun with Mark and Ashley

Kyle in Barcelona Spain

Rylee Jean and her friends

Reeds hunting adventures